The Power of bloom: Your Guide to freetobook’s New Booking Pages

Spring may be upon us, but with bloom, our new booking pages, your property can flourish year-round! Let’s have a look at everything you need to know about it:

What is bloom?

Bloom is a complete revamp of your booking pages. It’s a mobile optimised experience designed to be fresh, user-friendly, and simply stunning. Bloom will ‘wow’ guests from the very first impression with its modern design and enticing visuals, encouraging more direct bookings, and reducing your reliance on third-party channels.

But bloom goes beyond just looking good. It prioritises the guest experience and convenience. It includes features that make booking a breeze. Here are some of the highlights:

  • Smart Calendar: The intuitive calendar makes it easy for guests to find their perfect stay. With clear live availability and minimum stays displayed, guests can quickly select the right dates for their stay.
  • Search Results: Increase direct bookings with bloom’s flexible options for your special offers, promo codes, and meal choices. It’s all there, displayed clearly for guests to find exactly what suits them.
  • Payments: Payments are automatically integrated into bloom, offering your guests both security and simplicity. Build trust and loyalty with bloom – guests can rest assured their information is safe and their booking is confirmed instantly.

What does bloom do?

Bloom simplifies the booking process for guests while letting your property shine. Stunning visuals, clear information, and an intuitive booking process – all tailored to reflect your unique property.

Why bloom? Here are the benefits:

  • Attract More Guests: Bloom’s modern design and attractive visuals will make your property stand out from the crowd, attracting more of the guests who are eager to book.
  • Boost Direct Bookings: With a smooth and user-friendly booking process, bloom makes it easier than ever for guests to book directly with you, increasing your revenue and cutting your reliance on the OTAs.
  • Effortless Branding: Include your logo, colours, and personality into your bloom pages, creating a consistent and professional experience that will build trust with guests.

Where to find bloom?

Starting April 9th, all freetobook properties will automatically transition to using bloom booking pages. Importantly, this switch to bloom is a free and automatic update for all freetobook customers. So, we highly recommend and encourage you to update your content on these pages ahead of that date. Simply follow the instructions below to get started on customising your Bloom page.

  1. Log in to your freetobook account.
  2. Click the ‘Direct Bookings’ tab.
  3. Click the ‘bloom’ tab.
  4. Simply fill out the Room Details & Customisation.

Please note, you will be able to preview your Bloom pages as you customise. All properties will be switched to bloom in a staged approach from Tuesday 9th April, whether you have updated your pages or not.

How to make bloom work for you?

We wanted to make it as easy as possible to customise your bloom pages all by yourself. Here is how:

  • Hero Page Image: Grab attention from the offset with a stunning high-resolution image that highlights your property’s best asset.
  • Photo Gallery: Use high-quality photos that highlight the best of your rooms or property. We recommend including 4 photos per room. Remember, arrange the photos strategically – lead with photos of the bedroom area!
  • Room Descriptions: Craft room descriptions that bring each room’s unique features to life, enticing guests to imagine their stay.
  • Branding: Upload your logo and choose colours that match your website, creating a consistent brand that builds trust and resonates with your guests.

How great can bloom be?

Imagine this: Guests see your fantastic website, love what they see, and book directly in minutes. That’s bloom for you. It’s incredibly easy to use, helps you show off your property, and keeps your branding on point. Bloom gets you more guests who book directly, all year long.

Check out the example below of one of our demo properties, highlighting just how amazing the new bloom booking pages can be.

Ready to bloom?

Don’t wait! Get started on customising your bloom pages so that everything is in place and ready for the launch on April 9th. Let’s make your property bloom with bookings!