Channel Management
Connect and control the biggest travel sites in one place.
Getting your rates right for all conditions can feel like a guessing game.
Take the guesswork out of reactive pricing with Dynamic Pricing software.
Dynamic pricing boosts your revenue by constantly monitoring key information and reacting with rate changes, automatically adjusting your prices based on market demand, occupancy and the pace at which you’re selling.
Dynamic pricing automatically optimises your pricing many times a day for hundreds of dates in advance. You set the minimum and maximum prices so it’s always working within your comfort zone. You can also override or set prices for specific dates.
Freetobook clients have seen upwards of a 20% increase in revenue – what are you waiting for?
Are you losing revenue by filling up too quickly at the same price, and then being nearly empty on other dates? Or do you spend hours playing with rates and studying competitor pricing?
Increase your bookings and increase revenue with intuitive Dynamic Pricing.
Explore our Plus features
Maximise your revenue and save time with freetobook’s optional Plus services.
Get your prices right all the time to boost revenue.
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