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Google, the mighty search engine, offers accommodation owners the possibility of listing in their free booking feed. Connect your availability and rates to the free feed on its own and get zero commission bookings from Google. Get in early and take advantage of this Google giveaway, it might not last forever, who knows?
The facts ….
Speed is the essence, maximise your direct bookings, take advantage of the free feed quickly and be the one that gets the most free direct bookings. Experience has shown us that these opportunities get diluted over time so early adopters get the most bookings.
Freetobook has always been at the forefront of technology to get you more direct bookings. We have pioneered availability with Google since 2018 (which is why we can launch this free feed only service quicky).
We introduce freetobook “Google Zero”, with this service you will be listed ONLY in the free feed. In order for us to provide, map and maintain live rates and availability to Google we will charge a small subscription fee of £49 per year, act quickly for limited free trial until 10th June 2021.
How can I get Google Zero?
Log in to freetobook and click on Tab “Plus” then select “Google Zero”
Other useful information about Google free bookings…
How do I get to the top of the Google free feed ? (top tips from freetobook)
What does Google free booking link look like and why are Google doing this for free ?
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