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The dawn of a new year inevitably leads to a moment of self-reflection. In our role supporting and building software to help you control more of your business, we have been thinking about our intentions for the year ahead. Namely, how can we ensure our impact is a positive one.
Direct booking is a guiding star and your brand will become more prominent in all we develop including our redesign of the booking pages which will make all you offer shine more brightly. In a similar vein the new Reputation Suite roll out will enable you to own, protect and build your brand with minimum effort.
We will continue to look for and build ways that help you steer more bookings towards your own direct channel. Nobody can ignore Google as they grow direct bookings, with over 25,000 coming in last year. Expect further enhancements on Google bookings.
Getting your prices right can be a tricky task, we will help you keep on top of it with our dynamic pricing system due out shortly. Sophisticated dynamic pricing both keeps you in control and maximises your income.
You, our customers have always been our greatest supporters, so willing to share and help others. We will be creating a community platform to ensure that you can access the very best shared knowledge base. We’ve always believed that together we are stronger.
It is not in our nature to chase the latest fashion but instead to build better for the long haul, there are no gimmicks, just sturdy reliable control of booking management so you can do your work hassle free and most profitably. All of us need the best tools to make our tasks tick over like clockwork and we have an exciting pipeline of developments to come this year.
We are proud of our long heritage of technical craftmanship, creating software that has handled many millions of bookings, payments and messages smoothly for more than 20 years. That technology comes from real people, who’s talent we nurture and depend upon to surmount the challenges your businesses face.
So here’s to 2022, doing everything with soul and purpose.
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