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Many feel the business environment will be tough this year and possibly next. With nearly fifteen years of providing value-for-money quality booking systems freetobook customers couldn’t be better positioned to weather difficult times. It’s not just about costs, value and quality are critical, we will continue to up our game and keep providing more for less to support you into success.
Freetobook will surprise you this year with a new suite of services focused around the guest experience. Your guests will never be happier. We’re launching a new “Gold” section of services that bring together and focus on your guests. A well looked after guest returns and is more likely to leave a great review so others can follow.
We will also release new booking pages to make your offering shine brighter, making it even easier to get those direct bookings. The new booking pages will be best in class and utilise all the latest technology. Our design team have spent a considerable time studying and working out the best practice for online booking so no booking system will be better when we release the new process for you.
A guest app will play a central part in the interaction your guest can have with you and your accommodation. When guests feel their needs are cared for they will praise you and your business. Personalised automations make it possible to scale your service, so expect more integration through guest messaging, guest information, customer management and reputation management. Together we will treat guests with the best possible service.
Last year we launched dynamic pricing and this year we will build on that experience offering more of you the opportunity to get higher revenue. Many customers have already seen significant revenue increases using dynamic pricing to constantly analyse and automate their pricing.
Direct bookings are our guiding star, last year they were up 43% on pre-pandemic levels! A huge achievement for you all, well done. We made it easier than ever to add a surcharge onto OTA prices and thousands took up the offer making their direct price better than any other price. If you don’t have a better price direct you will find it harder to get more direct bookings.
Google Zero was a helping hand to thousands of you, providing millions in booking value at zero commission. Google is the best way to get your direct price out there into the world. It works especially well if your direct price is better than any other price. We will provide more stats on Google to help you understand your performance on Google and increase your direct bookings.
Google Vacation Rentals will be launched shortly extending the success of Google Zero to more accommodation types.
We will provide more useful stats and measurements helping you manage your business better, because we all know how difficult it is to increase returns without the tools to measure success.
Our billing upgrade has made it easier to manage any payments and freetobook subscriptions using direct debit or card on file.
The care and attention we service you with will continue to grow as we create and share more via the Hive. We’re also adding to the team so expect to hear new names and voices. We remain on your side and by your side, let’s do 2023 with soul and service!
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