5 video Ideas to drive more engagement to your website

5 Video Ideas to Drive More Engagement to Your Website

If a picture is worth a thousand words, a video is worth much more. Creating a video and posting it on your website and other social media channels is a great way to drive engagement.  I have already discussed the power of videos in the blog about Making Your Website More Personal. Videos are great for Search Engine Optimisation, and it is a creative way to describe to your potential customers what you can offer. The good thing about videos is that you can post them on YouTube, Facebook, Twitter and they can go viral in seconds. It is important to know that short videos around 2-3 minutes are much more engaging than longer ones. You might think that shooting a video it will take a lot of time and energy, but everyone has a great phone nowadays that can shoot some good videos with it. Adding a bit of editing and the next thing you know is that you are telling a story to everyone, it is just that easy. Here are a couple of video ideas by marketing guru Heather Turner.

  1. Live guest commentary and/or testimonials
  2. Room tours (each room a separate tour)
  3. Tell a story: every innkeeper has funny stories or touching stories, the day the oven decided to not work and had a full house, a couple that proposed on the front porch, the family of ducks that comes back every year and has ducklings that get into your garden.
  4. Bust some myths about innkeepers, Show a day-in-the-life
  5. Who you are?: A little person history on you the innkeeper(s), how you got into innkeeping, what you did before you were an innkeeper, how you found your inn, what made you fall in love with your inn…

For more ideas check out this amazing article by Heather, Ideas for Bed and Breakfasts using Video and Live Streaming.