Booking buttons for all occasions

Booking buttons for all occasions

Wouldn’t it great if you could have a booking button and link for all your requirements ?

  1. Appears on your website
  2. Works in an email campaign
  3. Friendly for Twitter and Facebook
  4. Fits easily on your blog
  5. Goes anywhere else…

Well guess what – with freetobook you can.

It doesn’t matter where you put this magic button: it will always know to go and check your availability; it will also know to go back to your website once the booking is done. It can be used to promote your property availability across all known internet systems.

Everyone has their own style. Design your own button. Here are a few we cooked up:

book it book it book it
book it book it book it
book it book it book it

In an email it could look like any one of these:

Book Now Book an Offer here Click here to book

On Twitter or Facebook you can use a (url shortner) like or then tweet merrily away:

“Check out our latest winter offers, rooms available from £50”

For truly intelligent online booking try freetobook. It is are you ?