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Stripe: online payments made easier, faster and more secure. Freetobook’s integration with Stripe makes payments possible at the click of a button, keeping things simple for you – and your customer.
Thousands of freetobook customers use Stripe as their credit card payment system – this is one bandwagon you want to hop on!
Top 5 reasons to use Stripe for card payments:
1. Quick and easy to setup
Just head over to the PAY tab in your freetobook account to get started!
2. Low Cost
In Europe, Stripe charges 1.4% for European cards (2.9% for International cards) and a mere 20p transaction fee!
3. No monthly charges
Stripe charge per transaction, a simple pay-as-you-go system so you’re not out of pocket!
4. Secure
PCI compliance fitted as standard, no lengthy forms to complete
5. 92% approval rating
Thousands of freetobook customers using Stripe love it! We introduced Stripe in 2015 and have since had overwhelmingly positive feedback about the service. In fact, we are so sure it will be good for your business that we offer a 30 day money back guarantee on the freetobook integration charge.
Still not convinced that Stripe will work for your business? Take a look at what your fellow freetobookers are saying…. A staggering 92% of freetobook Stripe users are very happy with the service! Check out some of their feedback below:
“Absolutely love it (Stripe). It has changed my life. It is so easy, great when people cancel, works fantastic… Much less admin for me. It’s a win, win all the way”
“Love it – all automatic, and you know if cards securing reservations are valid cards, you can also charge guest stays using the system. Well done freetobook! It so easy to set up and maintain even older users like me have mastered it simply like all freetobook products we use…”
“It has reduced our costs and offers peace of mind.”
We’re positive that you’ll love using Stripe for your accommodation payments! But just in case, we offer a full refund within 30 days of paying your subscription. Freetobook charges an annual integration fee of £89 for providing you with this great payment functionality, which can be accessed quickly and easily through your freetobook account.
So what are you waiting for?! Join thousands of freetobook users and improve the speed and ease of your payments today by adding freetobook Stripe integration! Click the PAY tab when logged in to your freetobook account.
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