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Attention freetobookers: It is time to update your property Facebook pages with the “Book Now” button, as Facebook has launched a new app – City Guides! The app’s aim is to give its users ideas on things to do, places to visit and accommodations to book in different cities of the world.
Make sure you are ready with your “Book Now” button active on your facebook page.
The app is not available to everyone just yet, but after all the buzz it is creating, we are sure that everyone will be enjoying this new Facebook addition soon.
What we know so far is that if you look for a specific city the app will show suggestions based on places your friends have visited in that city and the most popular places among the locals. If someone is looking for an accommodation, for example, they will see suggestions of nearby properties and they may stumble upon your property Home page with the book now button and reviews. City Guides will appear among other apps on the mobile version of Facebook among Events, Pages, Offers, etc. So, don’t waste time and check if your book now button appears on your property page.
If you don’t remember how to add a Book Now button, take a look at our Facebook ADD a Book Now Button video below !
Remember when testing the “Book Now” button you won’t see it in the same way as a cutomer because you are the admin of your facebook page. Get a friend to check it or hover over the button and select “test button”
More about adding the facebook “Book Now” button to your accommodation
facebook Book Now from freetobook on Vimeo.
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