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We’ve all heard about “green” holidays, but how about “green with envy” holidays? Research just published by Teletext Holidays suggests that over 50% of Brits now post holiday photos on their Facebook profile pages and that an increasing number of their Facebook “friends” book copycat trips after viewing those photos.
Teletext surveyed 3000 UK travellers and found almost a fifth admitting that they had booked a completely identical holiday to a friend – right down to the same hotel or villa – having heard about their experiences. After seeing the Facebook photos on a friend’s profile, 13 per cent of people have gone on to take a similar holiday, while another six per cent have arranged a break after just seeing someone’s status. Not only that, but nearly 30% said that looking at friends’ Facebook profiles left them feeling envious enough to book a holiday for themselves soon after, regardless of whether it was a ‘copycat’ trip or not.
It looks as though Facebook and other social media sites, with the powerful word of mouth that they can generate, are becoming significant drivers of business for the travel industry. In particular, the ability to make frequent updates – whether it’s changing your status as soon as you hit the beach or posting a photo of yourself next to a famous landmark as soon as you arrive at it – keeps reminding other people where you are and what you’re doing far more vividly that just showing them your holiday snaps when you return. Thus the idea of a similar holiday remains more at the front of their minds – and harder to resist.
Oh… in case you were wondering which destination leaves us feeling most jealous, it’s Australia, closely followed by Barbados and the Bahamas. It seems that nothing provokes more envy amongst Brits than sunshine. Funny that.
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