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Freetobook is most chuffed to be sponsoring the VisitEngland awards for excellence in 2012. In our minds it’s a great way to raise the quality bar and promote all that’s best in accommodation.
As a family business (not a giant corporation) we couldn’t afford to sponsor the whole event, so we had to choose just one category. Ah… now which one do we choose? Should we sponsor the Bed and Breakfast award? It would make sense when so many of our wonderful customers come into this category, but then we also work with lots of Self Catering providers and we can’t leave them out. Then there are Small Hotels and Large Hotels. We like them and many of them like us, so what do we do? It seemed most logical to go for the middle option and chose to sponsor Small Hotel of the Year which includes so many fabulous and varied properties throughout the land.
We are all looking forward to hearing about the short lists and the finalists and then getting our kilts on for the finale black-tie dinner. If you want to see freetobook in kilts you need to enter before 6th Jan 2012 on VisitEngland’s website: www.visitenglandawards.org
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