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In the world of accommodation websites, good photos drive sales – it’s as simple as that. Now Freetobook allows you to customise your header with an eye-catching image that will make it look even better and encourage more direct online bookings. For example:
With headers like these you can keep your unique identity in a potential customer’s mind when they are checking your availability. Here’s how to access this excellent new functionality from Freetobook:
Login. Go to the “Widget” subtab (under the “Home” tab). Here you can see the booking widget that you’ve already set up for your website:
To the right hand side of it, you’ll see a button titled “Edit.” Click on this. It will take you to the “Edit Widget” page:
On the left hand side of the “Edit Widget” page you’ll see a new option (number 5) entitled “Choose a Header Image?” Click “Browse” to find the image you want to use. It can be an image in JPG, GIF or PNG format. We recommend that it’s at least 850px-wide, otherwise it’ll look stretched when it appears on the header. Also bear in mind that it will be cropped and resized, so if there’s any important information in it – like a sign showing the name of your property or an award you’ve won – make sure it’s at the centre of the image.
Once you’ve chosen the image you want, click “Save” (option 7). The image will now appear at the top of your Availability Page. If you change your mind about the image you’ve chosen to display, don’t worry! You can easily delete it by going back to the “Edit Widget” page. Below the preview of the image, there should now be an option titled “Remove this image?” Like this:
Tick it, then click “Save”. The image will now vanish from the Availability Page.
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