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It’s our job to get the tech done and we are indeed putting the finishing touches to your new booking pages, designed to drive even more direct bookings for you. As we await the launch you have some time to do a bit of upgrading of your own.
High quality images will feature very prominently in the new booking pages so if you don’t currently have great images now would be a good time to get them.
High Resolution: To capture every detail of your accommodation
Sharp and Clear: Crisp and free from distractions, focused in on your key advantages
Well-lit: Proper lighting will showcase your colours and textures, natural light where possible
Varied and Engaging: Mix it up, some shots of the accommodation interior and exterior, others of amenities – highlight your charms!
Branding will make your new booking pages match your website and reflect your style be it modern, rustic, classic, budget or luxury.
A logo can be uploaded and colours can be matched give a consistent seamless feel that guests will warm to.
Your photos play a key role in getting you more bookings. That’s why we’ve designed this process in a way that puts your brand and your images at its heart.
If you don’t yet have these ready now would be a good time to start pulling them together ensuring that you look your very best on the new booking pages.
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