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You will notice a “Gold” tab appear and you might wonder why. There are two words that summarise what it’s all about, Guest Experience (GE).
Gold is where you will find ways to enhance the experience you provide your guests. Messaging is a great example of a GE tool, helping you interact with guests in an easy, natural and enjoyable way. In a few clicks Messaging multiplies your abilities and makes you look professional in the eyes of your guests.
Tools in Gold help you offer a level of guest satisfaction normally delivered in your amazing face-to-face relationships, but it does it with technology, automatically, and even while you sleep.
When guests have a great experience staying with you, they are more likely to book again and share their memories with others. This is where another Gold tool, the Reputation Suite, will help you capitalise on your work by getting more reviews on Google and TripAdvisor, thus rising up the rankings.
This is just the start of Gold, to take Guest Experience to the next level we are currently developing a Guest App which we expect will be followed by CRM functionality both of which help you personalise each guest stay with minimum effort.
Exceeding guest expectations is as important for a 2 star as it is for 5 star because everyone that beats their guests’ expectation will be rewarded with more bookings and higher pricing.
For properties not yet using freetobook, why not signup today and enjoy all the amazing solutions we provide for accommodation owners worldwide.
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