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Freetobook has always been as much a community of likeminded business as it is software to make those business work better. Community that works. We are quite a diverse bunch which is a amazing strength that will continue to make us grow together.
To help all of our customers we have built “The Hive”, a new resource for you to support each other with your success stories, challenges, questions and support needs. We’re bringing all types of support in to one place: community support, traditional helpdesk and our Knowledge Hub articles.
A key advantage is its search capability. When you need to find out about something in freetobook, The Hive will get you to the subject much faster. Quickly searching the information we built into it along with discussions that others like you have already had. You’ll find either a knowledge article written by the freetobook team, a question/discussion post from other freetobook users, or even a combination of the two!
If the answer isn’t there you can add your question and there will be plenty of users around to help you – in addition to the freetobook team of course! We’ve always been in awe of the amount of support, advice and help that freetobook users give each other and The Hive builds on that sense of community.
The traditional helpdesk is still there for questions that are private to you. The helpdesk button is now in The Hive for those questions you don’t want to share with other freetobookers. Simply click the big button to the right of the screen and you’ll be taken back to open a private help ticket.
You might be wondering why we are making this change, especially when we already have an very active facebook group… well it’s all about supporting you better. The Hive is a resource that we can all build up together without the restrictions of facebook, with greater privacy, no adverts and vastly better ability to search for the topic you want.
From Monday 27 June you’ll see the big blue button at the top of the freetobook system that will take you straight to The Hive, ready to ask your questions, find answers, share knowledge.
What could be better than somewhere to celebrate and spread your success to help others?
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