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Freetobook will shortly be launching FabPay, their new payment system. For the first time ever, accommodation providers in the UK and Ireland can enjoy a Pay As You Go card handling system. This flexible and fully integrated payment gateway will be available without nasty monthly fees, whilst enabling secure card transactions for less than the cost of a second-class stamp.
If you already have a card handling account you can connect it directly into freetobook via FabPay, and if you don’t yet have a card agreement we have an attractive deal through CardSave/Streamline.
Card payments and/or card details can also be securely “tokenized” on the SagePay system for later payment or repeat payment. Many of us are familiar with the format xxxx xxxx xxxx 1234, so even if the word tokenization is new to us the concept probably isn’t. Using this process, there’s no need to worry about storing cards because you can securely tokenize them for later payment….another world first from freetobook.
We’ve developed FabPay solely to help solve the payment collection issues faced by accommodation providers in this increasing online market place. Due to the overwhelming interest in FabPay, we advise that you register early for priority information– email fabpay@freetobook.com with your property ID and the words FabPay Priority in the subject line.
Look out for further updates by blog, facebook, twitter and email. In the meantime watch our FabPay video to find out more.
10 Things you need to know about the soon to launch FabPay card payment system from freetobook.
1) Pay as You Go (no nasty monthly fees)
2) Low Cost even if you have card facilities and Low Cost if you don’t
3) No more PCI headaches use SagePay secure vault
4) Fully integrated with your freetobook account
5) Online and Phone payments directly into bank
6) No need to store Card Details tokenize them xxxx xxxx xxxx 1234
7) Repeat payments on the same card without having to store cards
8) Email your customers a SagePay link to take payment for bookings
9) Paid amounts, due amounts, dates and alerts all managed in freetobook
10) Use your current merchant account or use our deal with CardSave/Streamline
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