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We’ve always found it worthwhile to take a step back and look at the bigger picture, and numbers are good way of doing that.
Messaging has been on the go for well over a year and here’s some numbers we’ve pulled off the system:
What do these numbers really mean?
At the highest level they demonstrate just how busy you are and just how much you’re communicating with your very “engaged” guests.
Automated Messages
You’ve saved millions of minutes when you consider the cost in time of sending all these “Thanks for booking emails” or a “Before arrival” email with directions and suggestions. With Messaging you build it, schedule it and automation does the rest. These are also personalised Automatic Messages, using your guest’s first name/full name/family name – your choice.
Digital Registrations
Digital Registrations don’t just reduce contact time when it’s risky, they smooth the check-in process and collect your guests direct email addresses (from guests who booked via an OTA) whilst enabling them to opt in to your newsletters or offers.
Again, all that happens automatically, you don’t have to do anything. Instead you can focus on the guest, the person… not the process. It’s the sort of focus the Smiley Survey brings. A simple, pro-active, practical and automated tool that let’s your guest know you care.
Take Payments Automatically
Getting paid on time can be an awkward business but good communication solves that problem. With 30,000 Stripe payments received it’s clear that guests love the ease of the payment link… click and pay, all done!
With all communication technology it’s worth looking at it from both ends. The 786,489 conversation threads and 116,102 arrival time completions show a truly engaged set of customers, many use the 😊 emoji in their messages. Messaging is enhancing the guest experience by opening up and simplifying the communication channels.
Freetobook customers can switch to messaging from here
Integrated… we’ve spent countless hours designing, building and embedding Messaging and here’s the pay back…. many more countless hours of your time saved.
(Not yet using freetobook ? Why not register for free and try it out at your leisure – no tie-in free account for as long as you like (optional pay-as-you-go extras listed on our pricing page)
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