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Generate bookings from your Pinterest pins with freetobook booking button link.
Add your online booking link to Pinterest with freetobook. Pinterest is all about images, so have a great image ready to upload, something with the “wow factor”.
Log into freetobook and upload the image to your image Gallery (it’s in your Profile tab under Images), select the category “Pinterest” from the drop down menu. You can have as many images as you like in each category.
Go to your Widget under the Home tab, then click view code. Make a copy of your widget search code from the third box down – “Simple link to your search results page”.
Create a new pin in Pinterest using the “Simple link…” above as your URL, freetobook will then bring up all your “Pinterest” images in the gallery, select the one you want to use, job done!
To have a look at one we prepared earlier, visit us on Pinterest at: or click the picture above.
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