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Thousands of properties have already benefited from freetobook’s promo codes so we have made them even better. You can set up as many promo codes as you like to target more customer segments and drive up your direct bookings.
Now with the new upgrades you can also;
1) Restrict the promo codes to apply on certain nights of the week.
2) Create a promo code that’s an extra service or item rather than a rate discount.
3) Set a minimum stay duration for the promo code.
Promo codes are great at encouraging guests to book direct. So why not use them to increase direct bookings and entice bookers away from other online websites, thereby powering more direct commission free bookings.
You will find promo codes and special offers in the Tab “Specials” and “Promo Codes” on the orange bar.
Further information on promo codes
On our website “More Direct bookings with Promo Codes”
On our blog “How can hotels use Promo Codes ?”
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