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When it comes to encouraging people to book on your website, lots of things are important, but pictures and descriptions of rooms are up at the top of the list.
With this in mind, we’ve being doing a lot of work recently to upgrade the presentation of search results powered by freetobook.
The most obvious new feature is the fact that you can now display photos of your different room types. Customers can click on the photos to enlarge them and see exactly what they’re getting. You therefore have the opportunity to present your accommodation in the best possible way.
Potential customers will also have more faith in your property if you offer them the maximum amount of information in search results – it shows trust and at the same time allows you to highlight your best features. To this end, we’ve updated search results so that they can now include a short description of each room type, as well as a list of facilities available and a (mouth-watering!) description of the breakfast attached to a B&B offer.
To see how it looks on one of our sample sites click on the “book now” link below. It’s a sample site, so you can make a booking if you like.
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