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When you are looking to stand out in your guests mind then get messaging. Smart Messaging will take your communication with guests to the next level, making messages and stays memorable.
Freetobook Smart Messaging is your work horse taking the hassle and bore out of email communications. It replaces the old email system with a simple and intuitive interface that your guests can engage with, whilst making your administrative work quicker and simpler.
First up: you can set automated messages to go out before and after the guests stay. No need to worry about sending critical information.
Add images: spice up your message with gorgeous images that show off and boost your brand.
Communicate: a smart message thread is available to the guest making replies so easy and your interaction so natural.
Emojis: it’s brilliant when guests start sending emojis, it means you have connected in a fun and friendly way.
Spot any fails: you’ll see a failed message immediately so you can fix the email address that notifies your guest of a new message.
All channels: you can Smart Message all of your bookings as long as they have an email address (even to the fake emails from the OTAs).
Freetobook customers can setup Smart Messaging in matter of seconds in the “PLUS” tab. For properties not yet using freetobook, why not signup today and enjoy all the marvelous solutions we provide for accommodation owners worldwide.
The Smart messaging system is getting massive investment from us, there are already over twenty new features waiting to be implemented. These include “guest actions” where the guest can change their arrival time or other interactions with their booking.
We really believe the freetobook messenger will help you communicate better and save time… so we will continue to make it even better.
Not sure about freetobook ? Read our 7 pledges to see what makes us so different.
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