Get the GuestTappy app
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Once you have set up on freetobook, it’s easy to email a confirmation to your customer showing all their booking details in a professional, neat and simple layout.
You take a phone booking then enter their booking into your diary. A couple of clicks later you have emailed them their confirmation. To them it will look great: from phone call to email confirmation in a matter of minutes. Wow that’s service! Fast, friendly and accurate (just like a big posh chain.) Can you hear your guests being impressed?
As if that wasn’t enough, it saves you time, eliminates errors and keeps your confirmations in one place. Oh and don’t forget you can fish out all your customer details at any time, export them to Excel and add them to a mailing list. For the many properties already using this great function you will notice we have added a BCC tag, so you can copy yourself in on any email you send to a customer.
Scan the QR code to download the app