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Is it possible to improve your public review ranking automatically? How can you take more control of review collection and still keep it personal? At the labs here we are sure we have cracked it for you with a fully integrated and automated reputation enhancing system or “Reputation Suite” for short. Powerful yet quick and simple to setup and use.
A really good reputation creates trust and desirability – that is why we created it for you as the first service in our “Gold” collection.
Potential guests looking for somewhere to stay need to find evidence that you will deliver to their expectations. Public review sites are where they are most likely to look and find a measure of your reputation. Most businesses understand just how vital their reputation is to their bookings.
Working hard looking after guests makes for happy guests. When your happy guests spread good reviews they generate new customers for you. What can you do to encourage them to share their experience in places where others will find it? This is where we come in to help.
The freetobook Reputation Suite will increase the number and the quality of your reviews on Google, TripAdvisor and facebook. Automating, personalising and giving you more control over good review generation.
After each guest stay, a personalised review request (you can edit the message and style it) asks your guests to rate their stay between 1 and 5 stars. When a guest rates you highly (say 4 or 5 stars) they will be asked to review you on a public site like Google, TripAdvisor or facebook, you choose which public pages your guests are offered. If a guest is unhappy they will be asked for private feedback, you can then rectify their issues both quickly and out of the public domain.
Setting up your Reputation Suite takes minutes after which it automates your personalised review collection process to generate more reviews, better reviews and reviews on public sites where potential guests are most likely to see them. All of this enhances your review ranking and leads to an increase in your direct bookings.
“Brilliant – it does exactly what I manually do at the moment…..that’s easier!!”
“ Love the dashboard (Home) where you can see what has been sent and what people clicked! The Facebook sharing option is fab too, looks really clean and stylish.
“LOVE that you can set the stars threshold.”
“Very nice for extra reviews!”
“It maybe co-incidence but the day after it went live we got 5 reviews through!!”
Freetobook customers can switch on the Reputation Suite (free trial)
It is now easy for you to control and improve your review scores in all the places where it counts … integrated to make it work hard so you don’t have to.
(Not yet using freetobook ? Why not register for free and try it out at your leisure – no tie-in free account for as long as you like (optional pay-as-you-go extras listed on our pricing page)
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